1 hr
€2048 hr
€608 hr
Free1 hr
Negotiable15 min
Negotiable30 min
$25 x 7 x 3 sessions30 min
100 British pounds15 min
$100056 hr
300 British pounds99 hr
300 British pounds99 hr

The Inherent Faith in Our Bonity Bonds & Social Equity Bonds: 13 years of business prowess within Database Management Systems (RDBMS, Codd 1970), Business Continuity Management (ISO 22301:2019), Privacy Information Management (ISO 27701) (as an extension to ISO 27001, Information Security Management) across multiple organization's functional areas of AI-powered ERP; human-computer interface, automating real-time Accounting Insights to build custom Power BI (Business Intelligence) B2B reports (Reviewing FAQ's, Knowledge Base, Guidelines Review) (acc. ISO 9000 Quality Management Principles and withdrawn ISO 10018:2012 revised by ISO 10018:2020), product management, SW engineering, operations, logistics order management, incorporating CRM/B2B e-Commerce (Oracle Cloud), category marketing (features vs. attributes vs. benefits) (FAB) to promote cold sales cycles and fair trade – know-how; spanning from prominent account management approach, Reverse CRM™ (Asset Recovery/RMA based on Salesforce), towards expertise in product life-cycle (Carbon Offset vs. Net-Zero Standard by 2050) (acc. IWA 42:2022) – know-what; possessing fractional process ownership under stewardship, AI-powered process mapping - harnessing AI-enabled ERP - tactical analytical skills and innovation – know-why; offering real-time control, ISO 27001 and SOX 2002 supreme standards, integrating experience, feedbacking commissioned departments, altruistic collaboration with peers and stakeholders – know-who; striving for excellence, passionate approach, building rapport across virtual teams, Hofstede's multidimensional cross-cultural communication with over 15 countries/jurisdictions; www.hofstede-insights.com/product/compare-countries.
Knowledgeable in Project Management Methodologies in terms of project lifecycle (AI-powered Six Sigma 6σ, Lean, AI-powered PERT, CPM, CCPM, AI-powered Prince2, AI-powered KPIs Methods, AI-powered Agile, Scrum, Waterfall, PMI, XP (Extreme Programming), Kanban, OO-Method, Object Process Language, AI-driven FL & ANN Algorithms & Methodologies - ANFIS Methodology, AI-powered SQL Generator; Self-Constructing Adaptive-Predictive Neuro-Fuzzy Clouds) meeting ISO 21500:2021 Project, Programme and Portfolio Management; Niklaus Wirth (Pascal 1970, ISO 7185:1990), OSI model (ISO 7498), etc. Off record, IBM PC DOS was written by Tim Paterson (a new hire of Bill Gates) in x86 Assembly and bought by Microsoft in July 1981 which gave rise to the entire industry.
What are social constructs about the rich and poor? "The rich get richer and the poor get poorer" is an aphorism attributed to Percy Bysshe Shelley. Even Microsoft Corporation had robbed Gary Kildall of his CP/M inventions. Gary Kildall's name is not known today, and Bill Gates's is, because Gates's Microsoft Corporation produced an operating system that was a variant of CP/M, called QDOS. Microsoft licensed it to IBM as PC-DOS (and marketed its virtual clone, MS-DOS), using its business tactics to shut Kildall out. HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF, Windows will never endure AI-powered quantum-APIs-AIOS-Fuzzy-RDBMS 6σ (CSSC™) ϰγMBA of mine. Artificial Intelligence Operating Systems: The Final Frontier! Microsoft Windows shall perish together with Minecraft! We shall use colossal crystal glass balls for fortune-telling rather than spherical laptops incorporating A-Life!
Business assignments are either fictitious or dependent on business cycles of John Maynard Keynes; however, those times have changed in 1994 (John Forbes Nash Jr.) with applications of evolutionary game theory in 1999, and mathematical economics, and 15 game theorists have won the Nobel Prize in economics as of 2020.
And, here is my own pledge to you for the year 2024... If we do raise the full $1000,0000 on poetry adapted to LARGE LANGUAGE MODELS before August 21st, I will donate HALF of all my company to merry maidens and contribute towards development of Google Bard A.I. - The National English Poet - to reconstruct the cradle of a distinct European or "Western" civilization! If I may adopt a football analogy so dear to the hearts of CEOs of Bet365.com Group Limited, I wondered this morning whether it was Denise Coates 'two', Ales Vymyslicky 'nil'. Yes, it was in the morning! However, morality was on the side of the liberals in the afternoon. Hereby, another core value – respect – to recall Immanuel Kant’s remark: „Paternalism is the worst form of tyranny. Not to treat people as if they were the best judges of their own interests — even when they are not — is to fail to treat them with the respect and dignity due to autonomous human beings possessed of freedom to make choices.“ And our civilization under the leadership of all saints with three halos 😇😇😇 shall create inherent imperial bonity bonds!